Salad (Firm- Type A)
Yields very nice uniform premium quality tubers with excellent taste already at the beginning of the potato marketing season.
Is combining high yield, very good table quality and good storability. Due to the nice tuber shape and the excellent skin finish this variety is excellent suitable for pre-packing.
Is a quality salad potato with excellent suitability for prepacking and also for processing to convenience products (peeling, etc.)
Early firm cooking nice skin quality ware potato.
Perfect combination of yield stability and table quality.
Red skinned ware quality potato with remarkable external and internal quality.
Yields very nice uniform tubers with enduring and homogeneous quality.
Is a premium quality salad potato with excellent suitability for packing and exquisite culinary quality.
Excels by perfect suitability for packing due to very uniform grading and high rate of tubers of required size as well as excellent taste.
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